With each passing week my anxiety level get lower and lower. During the week I kept debating whether the first two weeks were just a fluke and whether anyone would show up the next week. It was nice see that all the anxiety was unwarranted.
My wife and I showed up early on the third week and started to setup the blankets and stuff. My wife along with some of the local kids started to go around the neighborhood to collect the kids and remind everyone that the class would start shortly. Just as before, little by little the kids started to trickle in. Less kids than the previous two weeks but the ones that did show up were excited about the class and were fully engaged.
We actually were able to do more activities with the kids this go around. The kids got to play some soccer before and later after the class. Cindy had brought a bunch of musical instruments which the kids got to play with during some singing. We were also able to break up the kids into two groups and get the beginnings of a Jr. Youth Group started.
All in all week three was a success and we are getting some positive feedback from a couple of the mothers already. The kids seem to be enjoying the classes as well.